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In this video interview, the PQIP2023 directors, lecturers and studens express their ideas and impressions from the school, its organization and furture thoughts on the importance of quantum technologies for nowadyas society and formation of future experts...

The paper "Top-down convergence of NIR photonics with Si substrate-integrated electronics" by Martino Bernard and colleagues is among the Top-Downloaded papers in Integrated Photonics published by OPTICA.
Congratulations to the team!
We are happy to announce the 12th edition of the Optoelectronics and Photonics Winter School. This year the School will be focused on the topic of Photonic Quantum Information Processing (PQIP2023). The school will be held from 21st to 27th of January, 2023 on Monte Bondone (Trento, TN).
This year the school is organized in the frame of the H2020 FET-Open project EPIQUS and the Quantum at Trento activity. The School will give to about 50 international PhD students and young researchers an excellent opportunity to attend a series of lectures on Photonic Quantum Information Processing. The lectures will be held by internationally recognized experts and will cover both fundamental aspects and applications. The students will have the opportunity to interact efficiently, exchange their knowledge, and importantly, discuss and learn directly from top-level experts in the field.
Two Partners of EPIQUS - the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and the University of Trento - will organize this edition of the school. M. Ghulinyan (FBK) and L. Pavesi (UniTN) will be the school directors.
for more info visit the school webpage at
The recent advances of EPIQUS have been presented at the 23rd European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO) 4-6 May 2022 in Milan.
EPIQUS 1st Review Meeting, Online event, 25 November 2021
The European Researcher's Night, Trento, 24 September 2021
EPIQUS Kick-Off meeting, Online event, Trento, 19-20 November 2020
Project Workshops & Schools
To be anounced
EPIQUS has received funding from the European Commission - H2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 899368 (EPIQUS project)